Theme Designer Rating
Designer: Skinpress (Themes listed: 56)
Theme Name | Overall Score |
AllBlack | 58% |
AquaGreen | 73% |
AquaGreeny | 65% |
Aquina | 60% |
Arto | 61% |
Ashen | 74% |
Aurora | 79% |
BlackGrey2 | 74% |
Blacko | 74% |
BlackPower | 65% |
BlackRust | 53% |
BlackWood | 65% |
BluBerry | 59% |
Blue3 | 55% |
BlueDiamond | 53% |
BlueGrey | 59% |
BlueMania | 60% |
BlueOne | 45% |
BlueStyle | 73% |
Bosky | 62% |
Club Blue | 54% |
Club Jeans | 67% |
Club Red | 62% |
Corpy | 75% |
DarkSky | 71% |
Flare | 49% |
GreyMag | 61% |
Grove | 62% |
GrungeD | 74% |
Grungie | 70% |
Gunie | 61% |
Iris | 42% |
Ivory | 61% |
iZen | 49% |
Mello | 74% |
Money | 44% |
Nirvana | 50% |
Orangy | 74% |
Orei | 67% |
PinkThree | 47% |
Recipy | 75% |
Rockie | 61% |
Saffron Spice | 73% |
Silva | 49% |
Sleekpro | 73% |
Smoky | 49% |
Snowy | 62% |
Stand Stone | 60% |
Stripey | 78% |
StylishRoyal | 70% |
Tauri | 73% |
TreeHouse | 65% |
Wchoc | 71% |
Wcute | 55% |
Wiking | 69% |
Wood3 | 59% |
Refer to this page for the details of each test above.
Skinpress has 4 Silver themes, 34 Bronze themes listed on and has a designer score of 63%.