Theme Designer Rating
Designer: Wordpressmanual (Themes listed: 27)
Theme Name | Overall Score |
Albert | 47% |
Beatrix | 58% |
Beautyskin | 55% |
Benigno | 47% |
Calixto | 58% |
Crayon | 60% |
Decorativeart | 44% |
Domino | 64% |
Ernesta | 45% |
Firmin | 58% |
Gaphiaz | 47% |
Geico | 57% |
Gravitattion | 44% |
Greenbay | 32% |
Hadrian | 57% |
Letizia | 58% |
Majestic Casino | 46% |
Mixture | 52% |
Newsmedia | 52% |
NIDDK | 54% |
Orbitz | 47% |
Radiant | 42% |
Rediffno | 51% |
Spinningpress | 47% |
Technonews | 45% |
Traveline | 54% |
Venera | 47% |
Refer to this page for the details of each test above.
Wordpressmanual has 2 Bronze themes listed on and has a designer score of 51%.