Theme Designer Rating
Designer: Way2zenith (Themes listed: 28)
Theme Name | Overall Score |
Acclaim | 52% |
Alive | 52% |
aquos | 52% |
Deluxe | 52% |
Fabia | 61% |
Flash | 54% |
Focus | 54% |
grunge | 42% |
Karbon press | 49% |
Mag Prince | 49% |
Magpro | 46% |
Nexus | 46% |
Nitro | 52% |
Polygon | 54% |
primus | 49% |
Princes | 46% |
Score | 56% |
siplex | 55% |
Skyrocket | 55% |
Stylico | 51% |
Superb | 48% |
Ville | 56% |
WP monster | 49% |
Wpavio | 53% |
wpprado | 51% |
wpvento | 62% |
wpvive | 57% |
Xpress | 55% |
Refer to this page for the details of each test above.
Way2zenith has 2 Bronze themes listed on and has a designer score of 52%.