Theme Designer Rating
Designer: Wpthemesexpert (Themes listed: 51)
Theme Name | Overall Score |
Attempt Desk | 71% |
Baroque | 71% |
Bat Bird | 56% |
Bean Tree | 58% |
Borough | 57% |
By Moonlight | 58% |
C U | 54% |
Clouds Above | 58% |
Come Friendly | 50% |
Costume Party | 46% |
Crazy Monsters | 58% |
Deskboard | 33% |
Dont Speak | 38% |
Emergency | 50% |
Eyrie | 43% |
Far Away | 58% |
Flowers Fortune | 71% |
Flying School | 58% |
Freelance | 54% |
Girls Friendship | 40% |
Gold Leaf | 54% |
Happy St Patricks | 58% |
Hardworker | 65% |
Interior | 26% |
Jojos Diary | 48% |
Kassetten | 43% |
Kimiko | 54% |
Kitchen Stories | 54% |
Lacework | 42% |
Lets Race | 52% |
Lily Love | 39% |
Little Hearts | 52% |
Little Wings | 23% |
Love Me | 38% |
Love Tree | 58% |
Mini Characters | 38% |
Music Press | 50% |
Open the Window | 38% |
Rabbits Love | 42% |
Rainbow Bridge | 68% |
Scope | 38% |
Scrapbook | 38% |
Sentry Owl | 58% |
Sketch Blog | 43% |
Springs and Frogs | 58% |
Take Photos | 71% |
Typewriter | 38% |
Ways To Save Money | 50% |
Workbox | 44% |
Worksheet | 58% |
World Tour | 29% |
Refer to this page for the details of each test above.
Wpthemesexpert has 6 Bronze themes listed on and has a designer score of 50%.