

Wp Newspaper

Advanced Newspaper

Chimerathemes Review

Theme Designer

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VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
(8 recommend ; 3 not recommend )

Chimerathemes Overview

Advertising has reached a scope farther than television, radio and newspapers and in order to get ahead, you must have a well designed website that’s conducive to potential customers staying and reading more. All this is possible with WordPress themes from Chimerathemes.

Incorporated in June 2010, Chimerathemes gives each and every person the ability to make influential and beautiful looking websites. Even if you don’t have a degree in web design or have computer programming skills, you can make a website that will generate more leads, more traffic and more business to your site.

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Gabfirethemes Review

Theme Designer

Editor Review

Theme Functionality
Theme Graphics
Theme Pricing
Theme Support

Top 10 Awards

No Award
What say you?
VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
(10 recommend ; 6 not recommend )

Gabfire Themes Overview

Gabfirethemes is owned by an independent web designer and web project consultant based in Estonia. Gabfire Themes has a large variety of themes suitable for personal website, business, magazines and especially news website. New themes are constantly created, and you can view a live demo of themes that you are interested in before buying them.

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