
Post & Page Heading SEO Test

Proper use of the heading tag is crucial in the search engine positioning. In this test, we see if the single post/page is using the heading tag in the most optimized way.

How to test?
Step 1
Visit the url of the single post.

Step 2
View the source code of the post.

Step 3
Check the heading tags base on the 2 conditions stated below.

Step 4
Repeat step 1-3 for the single page.

Criteria of passing the test
Condition 1
Only one <h1> tag is used
The reason why only one <h1> tag is used is because having more than one <h1> tag will greatly dilute the weight of the keywords you want to target.

Condition 2
The <h1> tag should be used in the post/page title
The post/page title contains the most important keywords that you want to target for the single post/page so using the <h1> tag in the title will greatly boost the weight of the keywords as seen by search engines.

Since it is a single post/page, the keywords in the <h1> tag will always be static.


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